....and yet another post:
Originally Posted by Aiken Drum
When I had this problem I'd googled the message and saw people
suggesting that (on several forums someone from microsoft was telling
people not to do that under any circumstance). The reason it doesn't work
is the msvcr80.dll that installs to the winsxs directories is different to
the ones that go to windows system32. It's designed for "side by side"
(sxs) use which is a new way of dealing with the dll hell problems. It
requires the use of a manifest which the "normal" dlls don't.
I found the same thread that you are referring to. There is a Microsoft rep
saying not to copy the dll file to other locations.
I went looking around to see what is going on and the reason for this error
seems to stem from the dll manifest not being added when the application is
compiled. So it seems like this may not be a problem with Windows Defender.
I did manage to find a fix that will work.
Create new text document and add the following:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?>
<assembly xmlns='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1' manifestVersion='1.0'>
<assemblyIdentity type='win32'
language='*' />
<assemblyIdentity type='win32' name='Microsoft.VC80.CRT'
language='*' />
Once the file is saved rename it to: DnLLauncher.exe.manifest and place it
in the directory with the DnLLauncher.exe file.
I have placed this file in my directory and I am able to get past the
msvcr80.dll error (without uninstalling Windows Defender or any other
applications), but I then discovered that some files are missing from the
"installation" and it appears that the file checker/patcher does not run to
download and update these missing/corrupt files.
Hope this helps.