msn6 GP deployment problem

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Hi there, don't know if I'm just wasting my time with this
one - trying to deploy msn messenger 6 to my W2K network
via GP. I extracted the files to a distro folder (using
SETUPNT.exe /C /T:F:\appdistro\msn6) and show 3 files in
the folder; MsnMsg.msi, InstMSIW.exe, and bootstrap.exe.

The program deploys successfully when I use msiexec, but
when I try to assign it to a GPO, I get this error:

<< Add operation failed. Unable to extract deployment
information from the package. Run validation on the
package to ensure that the package is correct. >>

There are no corresponding error messages in the
application log, and it fails whether of not I assign it
to the computer or user settings.

Messenger is not installed on the server, there is plenty
of space in SysVol, and again, I'm not getting any error
message that would indicate that it can't find the install
folder (the default path for the software policy points to
the same parent folder as the rest of the apps that I
deploy via GP).

I've seen this issue on the newsgroups with other apps,
anybody have any suggestions?

Thanks :(
There are a couple of knowledgebase articles that address the error. I
believe they were all fixed by SP4.

Usually, when I see this error, it results from the structure of the MSI
file. Look in the administrative installation actions table of the MSI (if
there is such a table, if not that could also be a problem) and check to see
that administrative installations are not disabled. As an example, the
administrative installations table of Adobe Standard 6.0 has the following
custom action: If 1 then SetupFailed("This installation type is not
supported."). If there is no administrative installation table, you can try
copying the normal installation table, but you will have to be careful not
to reference any external files.

I haven't played with MSN6 specifically, so I can't offer any specific

\\ MadDHatteR
Thanks for your help..I've got the msi file for messenger
open in Orca....

<<< If there is no administrative installation table, you
can try copying the normal installation table, but you
will have to be careful not to reference any external
files. >>>

.....don't see an administrative install table. There is
an "InstallExecuteSequence" table and
an "InstallUISequence" table - are either one of these the
table that I can try to copy?

Are there any resources that you are aware of to try to
learn more about msi and how all these different tables
work? Thanks again for your help :)
There are books dealing with MSIs, though I've found the help files that
ship with MSI creation/editing programs to be fairly comprehensive (a 608
page pdf in the case of Wise). You can download the Windows Installer SDK
from Microsoft. I've only looked at this a little, but it probably explains
tables and MSIs rather well.

The InstallExecuteSequence table is the table for normal installation
actions. The InstallUISequence table is the normal installation user
interface stuff - display of dialog boxes, etc. If you call msiexec with /qb
or /qn, the InstallUISequence table is ignored. There is an msiexec /a
option for administrative installations. I believe this is how GPOs are
applied. When doing this type of install, actions are read from the
AdminExecuteSequence and AdminUISequence tables (since GPOs are silent, the
AdminUISequence is probably ignored).

So you will want to copy the InstallExecuteSequence table to the
AdminExecuteSequence table. I have mixed success with this approach. If it
doesn't work, consider creating a "thin" MSI... To make a thin MSI, just
create an msi containing custom actions to call msiexec /i, msiexec /x and
whatever the repair option is for each mode of installation.

\\ MadDHatteR