I'm looking for some information on a possible msn Virus.
Whilst signed in, I received a message off a friend saying: "hey. I look so
cool in this pic "http://www.q8hell.org/NewImage-9.exe ".
I instantly thought, why is this an exe file? But he's a trust worthy mate
and even against my better knowledge I clicked the link and downloaded to my
desktop and tried to run it. Stupid me I know, but I'd never heard of such
msn viruses as I don't use msn so much.
Once the message started repeating itself over and over I figured something
was wrong.
I've tried searching on google but to my amazement, nothing came up.
The file isn't on my desktop or in msn received files. I run Norton Internet
Security 2005 so I hope that caught it, but I don't know.
Any ideas please?
I'm looking for some information on a possible msn Virus.
Whilst signed in, I received a message off a friend saying: "hey. I look so
cool in this pic "http://www.q8hell.org/NewImage-9.exe ".
I instantly thought, why is this an exe file? But he's a trust worthy mate
and even against my better knowledge I clicked the link and downloaded to my
desktop and tried to run it. Stupid me I know, but I'd never heard of such
msn viruses as I don't use msn so much.
Once the message started repeating itself over and over I figured something
was wrong.
I've tried searching on google but to my amazement, nothing came up.
The file isn't on my desktop or in msn received files. I run Norton Internet
Security 2005 so I hope that caught it, but I don't know.
Any ideas please?