msn search toolbar

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--I keep getting a pop window with this heading...MSN Search Toolbar...the
caption says ..We're sorry but Windows Desktop Search has detected a problem
with your desktop search and cannot continue. Please reinstall MSN search
toolbar here.. I tried but I keep getting the message
that its already installed.What do I do now?
Thanks in advance
Gloria B
Greetings Gloria,

Assuming you don't even use the Toolbar, head over to Add or Remove Programs and uninstall
it. It's an option to install during the Messenger installation but isn't necessary for
Messenger operation.

Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger/Windows Live Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources -
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2006 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.
Hi Jonathan
Once again thanks...I'm getting all my problems sorted in one day...who
needs books when I have you !!
Gloria B said:
--I keep getting a pop window with this heading...MSN Search Toolbar...the
caption says ..We're sorry but Windows Desktop Search has detected a problem
with your desktop search and cannot continue. Please reinstall MSN search
toolbar here.. I tried but I keep getting the message
that its already installed.What do I do now?
Thanks in advance
Gloria B
Jonathan - or someone out there.

I am getting the message #msntb_toolbar_full_name# is unable to load its
config fig. I tried to unstall the toolbar as stated in these conversation
but it won't let me. Tells me I have an invalid patch. Is there another way
to fix this problem? I thought I had a virus but after looking at these
messages, perhaps it's this toolbar problem.

Hi Yvonne,

When does this message appear exactly? It might be easier to just disable the toolbar
depending on when the message comes up if the uninstaller isn't working.

Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Live Messenger/MSN Messenger/Windows Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources -
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2007 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.
Hi Jonathan
It comes up each time I open a new application. Can it be disabled, and if
so how can that be done?
