MSN Messenger



I just upgraded the msn messenger that came with
XP Pro sp1 with version 6.1...
however everytime version 4.7 comes up instead of 6.1

how can I set 6.1 as the default version?

can I just delete the folder having 4.7 and if so, what regkeys will have to
also be deleted etc.

also, if I upgrade to version 9 of media player will this same thing happen?


I just upgraded the msn messenger that came with
XP Pro sp1 with version 6.1...
however everytime version 4.7 comes up instead of 6.1

how can I set 6.1 as the default version?

can I just delete the folder having 4.7 and if so, what regkeys will haveto
also be deleted etc.

also, if I upgrade to version 9 of media player will this same thing happen?
A little bit of confusion. There is Windows Messenger which comes with
XP and it is currently Version 4.7. There is also MSN Messenger which
is downloaded from MSN which is currently Version 6.1. They are very
similar and use the same Passport login but they really are two
different programmes. You've upgraded MSN Messenger to 6.1 but you're
probably opening Windows Messenger 4.7. Take a close look at the title
bar when it opens to know which one you're using.

You'll have to modify the settings in "Tools=>Options=>General" on both
programmes to ensure the correct one is opening automatically.

You won't have this problem with Media Player.


MSN Messenger does not come with XP. Windows messenger comes with xp. They
are different programs.
You installed msn messenger, so now you have both. Choose one and unistall
the other.


Thats my question... I wish to keep MSN 6.1

so HOW do I delete or uninstall that program?

I don't see how...


To delete Messenger, try this from Johathan Kay:
Close down Messenger (right click the messenger icon in the notification
area/system tray and click close). Then click the start button, then
click Run and type in (copy-paste if you like):
RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%\INF\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove

Then click OK. Messenger will then be uninstalled. For more detailed
instructions and screenshots, go to,

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