msn messenger 7.5



Can anyone help with my problem? Messenger keeps freezing when I try to sign
in. It says I am signed in but the sign in screen freezes and won't go any
further. I have performed clean installation and removed any spyware and
adware. I have tried everything that microsoft help has told me to do but the
problem still persists


You may think you did a clean installation but remember most products save
settings and other information under the application data folder, namely,
C:\Documentation and Settings\accountname\Application Data\Microsoft\MSN
Messenger Suggest you uninstall MSN Messenger 7.5 again, delete \Program
Files\MSN Messenger, clean up any left over registry entries for MSN
messenger, delete msn messenger application data folder and then re-install


Another thought, if you can't get msn messenger 7.5 to work, do a search on
trillian. This software is a nice way to interface with AIM, ICQ, Yahoo &
MSN Messenger users. I have used this software product with no problems
(other than the usual learning curve to set up the options).


I am not sure if you are using the option to automatically run messenger when
I sign on to windows. If you are using Norton anti-virus and/or starting a
lot of programs at signon (including msn messenger), then msn messenger gets
hung during the sign-on process. An easy way to test this is to wait till
everything starts and then manually start msn messenger. If it signs in ok,
then consider manually starting it or using a start delayer software product.

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