MSN M7 Clubhouse games

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Does anyone know what would cause the games list to NOT appear in MSN
messenger 7 when you click on the games button? All active X settings in
explorer are enabled so I dont think its an active X problem.

I am able to chat with my contacts no problem so I dont think its an issue
with Norton internet security blocking anything.

I click the button and it says 'contacting service'.. then nothing happens.

When this button is clicked, whats going on in Messenger? Does this start
another program or possabbly have some advertisement element that norton may
not like? Are there any odd ports other than the normal ones used by
msnmessenger.exe that might need to be opened when this button is clicked?


Actually plenty of Norton users have experienced this problem. Try disabling it for a second
and then trying.
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources -
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2005 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.
Thanks, Jonathan.

I'm thinking NIS is the problem but disabling it has no effect. Only
solution I have come up with so far is starting the machine with NIS turned
off, uninstalling messenger and reinstalling. The it works until I turn on
NIS then I have to go through the same process if I want to play games.

Computers are so frustrating :(

Thanks for the reply. I cant seem to get one by emailing support.

Do you know, does clicking that games button perhaps require referrer
information that may be blocked by NIS? If it does, do you know what the site
is so I could try and make a rule for it in NIS?