MSN Logs Help

  • Thread starter Thread starter Bruce Lawrence
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Bruce Lawrence

My neighbor has a 15 year old daughter who is being stalked through MSN
messenger (latest version, the beta). He would like to set the chat log so
that it cannot be turned off.

The daughter knows how shut of the log switch since she doesn't want to be
"watched", however this is for her safety and I am sure there must be a
registry setting or some other setting to do so.

I am familiar with the registry, however I have not found the exact setting
to date...

Any information on how to do this would be great...thanks.
You may want to try the following:

IamBigBrother Spy Software 9.0

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User
Microsoft Newsgroups

Be Smart! Protect Your PC!



| My neighbor has a 15 year old daughter who is being stalked through MSN
| messenger (latest version, the beta). He would like to set the chat log so
| that it cannot be turned off.
| The daughter knows how shut of the log switch since she doesn't want to be
| "watched", however this is for her safety and I am sure there must be a
| registry setting or some other setting to do so.
| I am familiar with the registry, however I have not found the exact setting
| to date...
| Any information on how to do this would be great...thanks.
| --
| When things get tough & seem to go uphill,
| Quit and let someone else do it!
| Life's too short for that shit!
You may want to try the following:

IamBigBrother Spy Software 9.0

Another approach, and one that I've found to be the most effective, is
instead of using software to monitor or protect children online the best
option has been observation (direct) and education about what is and what
isn't expected. If a 15 year old girl is going to disable the logging
function she's just as likely to Google information about disabling the spy
software (and many programs out there more than likely would detect this? I
wonder if MS Anti-Spyware Beta would detect this?) and just doing that while
she's chatting. Perhaps the best bet would be to disable the network
connection during times when supervision is not available until such a time
as they're able to demonstrate safe online practices. There are numerous
ways of doing this without need for additional software.

My daughter is only 6. She doesn't go online very often and only with a
parent. While there's a huge difference between the age of 6 and 15 (more so
in girls it seems as I was at least 25 before I stopped acting like I was
five personally) the end result is the same. If they don't demonstrate
responsible behavior online (and disabling the logging feature isn't very
responsible no matter how clever) then access to the internet should be
restricted until they're able to do so. Tough? Strict? Yes. But it's also
effective. It's a lot like the whole security issue, security is not an
application, it's a state of mind, a process, and an awareness.

But, that's just my opinion...



"My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me
the most abstruse cryptogram or the most intricate analysis, and I am
in my own proper atmosphere. I can dispense then with artificial
stimulants. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for
mental exaltation." -- Sherlock Holmes
you can also try prevent user access such as galen suggested. one thing that
works well for me is the ability to manage user access from my belkin
router. it allows me to disable, enable internet access from specific times.