MSN Explorer "freezes"

  • Thread starter Thread starter Howard Woodard
  • Start date Start date

Howard Woodard

I have a Sony Vaio running XP Pro sp2 with a P4 running at 2.8 mhz. It has
1gb of RAM and lots of free space on a couple of 7200 rpm drives.

Right after booting up, when I start MSN and select Mail the browser will
just hang for anywhere from 30 sec to over a minute. During that time the
system is either hung as well or is just stuck waiting for MSN. While it is
in this state it is not using any cycles -- CPU is 98% idle -- or excess
memory. Nor are there any page swaps, I/O or network activity. Everything
show to be at "idle" but the PC is just stuck between the request to go to
Mail and actually displaying any messages. Once it breaks free and displays
the message list it will again hang when a message is selected and take a
similar amount of time before it pops free and displays the message content.
At this time the system will run just fine from then on.

Btw, it doesn't have to be the MSN explorer -- that just happens to be what
I do most often. If the first thing I do is to open up windows explorer or
IE then its the same situation, just a different set of data waiting to be

While the system is in this frozen state the screen displays cannot be moved
or minimized.

Has anyone seen this "frozen with no activity" state before? Any idea what
causes it?

Scan your system with latest virus definitioned antivirus,spybot,search
and destroy,cwshredder as well as with adaware.Run all the latest
versions in safe mode.
