Windows XP MSN connection Problems

May 18, 2004
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Hi all,

Just switched over to my new ISP today, and i cant get MSN to work!! It just acts like it cant find a connection... Ive turned the firewall off, and it still dosen't work, and i've looked at the settings but they mean nothing to me!

We were unable to troubleshoot your connection to the .NET Messenger service. There is possibly a problem with the service, your Internet connection, or your proxy settings. Please check your settings and make sure that you are connected to the Internet.

Anyone able to help?

Its MSN 7 by the way...


Who is your new ISP? They might be blocking the port (unlikely), or there may just be some temporary problems.

Does Windows Messenger work (a little different to MSN, but should still be on the start menu).
Its and i know people who get internet with them but their MSN works fine...

I deleted windows messenger... oops....

Webmessenger won't work, nor will a client called Gilly Messenger, BUT, emessenger works fine.

i dont get it!
Chris i have msn 7.0 and i have been having big problems also, msn support can't seem to help either.....

Changed the modem over, and it works fine!! Something to do with the cheap modem router i guess... back to netgear DG814!

Cheers anyway