MSN Chat History



I have found that most kids know how to turn off the history, then your at a
loss again. We need to know if we can turn on the history and somehow keep
messages even if the kids can remove the check mark. We need to know how to
have the history on all the time by default and not even have the check mark
availible to the kids to turn it off.

Please help I have many parents asking me how to do this.


Griffster said:
I have found that most kids know how to turn off the history, then your at a
loss again. We need to know if we can turn on the history and somehow keep
messages even if the kids can remove the check mark. We need to know how to
have the history on all the time by default and not even have the check mark
availible to the kids to turn it off.

Please help I have many parents asking me how to do this.

Tell the parents to talk to their kids, not spy on them.


Carey Frisch [MVP]


Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows - Shell/User

Enjoy all the benefits of genuine Microsoft software:



| I have found that most kids know how to turn off the history, then your at a
| loss again. We need to know if we can turn on the history and somehow keep
| messages even if the kids can remove the check mark. We need to know how to
| have the history on all the time by default and not even have the check mark
| availible to the kids to turn it off.
| Please help I have many parents asking me how to do this.


Alias said:
Tell the parents to talk to their kids, not spy on them.


Hi Alias
Hope you don't mind a personal question -
Have you got any kids, Alias, of computer using age, especially over


antioch said:
Hi Alias
Hope you don't mind a personal question -
Have you got any kids, Alias, of computer using age, especially over

Yes, I do.


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