Hi Michael - What you're seeing is the redirection to Verisign's Sitefinder
which is happening because of a (scandalous) "hijacking" of the *.com and
*.net wild card address forms (the subject of a lot of debate/lawsuits/etc
right now). Open Notepad and enter the information between the lines
(not including the lines:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchUrl]
" "="+"
Save this as MSNSearchFix.reg . Now double click on this file to
execute it, and say yes when asked.
See if that fixes the search from Address Bar back to MSN for you. (It may
not with Verisign in the picture. You may need to install BindPE Delegate
which fixes (at least for the moment) the Verisign problem.)
Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP