MSN audio/video causes loss of internet connection

  • Thread starter Thread starter RayVes
  • Start date Start date


Just installed a webcamera and came across a strange problem;

MSN chatting works fine, but once I try to activate audio/video my
internet connection (DSL) drops for a few minutes. I have no internet
access what so ever.

Tried using Skype for audio and here everything works just fine.

Any suggestions to what could be the cause of this?
Why are you running msn messenger,it's really for use in msn explorer,
a dial-up ISP which you dont run....Switch back to windows messenger 4.7,
open tools,adjust for audio/video.

This is probably due to some "feature" in your DSL modem and/or router (probably all the same
device in a lot of cases). Some notable things to look for (and turn off) in the
configuration is SPI and SIP support.
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
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