I really need to get MSMQ installed on an XDA Mini S running WM 2005
but it won't start the service.
The MSMQ blog article from Mark Ihimoyan
(http://blogs.msdn.com/ihimmar/archive/2004/06/14/154911.aspx) seems to
be a useful application to try but I don't have the necessary
development tools to compile that code. Could anybody who has already
done so please send me a copy of the executable at the email address
below (remove the _AVOIDSPAM text)?
It would be most appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
(e-mail address removed)_AVOIDSPAM
I really need to get MSMQ installed on an XDA Mini S running WM 2005
but it won't start the service.
The MSMQ blog article from Mark Ihimoyan
(http://blogs.msdn.com/ihimmar/archive/2004/06/14/154911.aspx) seems to
be a useful application to try but I don't have the necessary
development tools to compile that code. Could anybody who has already
done so please send me a copy of the executable at the email address
below (remove the _AVOIDSPAM text)?
It would be most appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
(e-mail address removed)_AVOIDSPAM