MSMQ from mobile 5 fails to upload data into remote private queue

  • Thread starter Thread starter rahul
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,

I am trying to upload some data into a remote private queue which is
on a server on a pubic network. I am not getting the data uploaded in
the message queue but am also not getting any error messages.

Pls help me to solve this issue.

i am putting the code which i used for uploading the data into the

Public Sub SendToQueue()

Dim remoteQueue As Messaging.MessageQueue = New
remoteQueue.DefaultPropertiesToSend.Priority =
remoteQueue.Formatter = New
System.Messaging.XmlMessageFormatter(New String(-1) {})
Dim lsMSMQPath As String
Dim AppPath As String = IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( _


Dim _deviceIPAddress As String = String.Empty
Dim localHostName As String = Net.Dns.GetHostName()
Dim iphe As Net.IPHostEntry =
Dim ipAddr As String = String.Empty
For Each addr As Net.IPAddress In iphe.AddressList
ipAddr = addr.ToString()
_deviceIPAddress = ipAddr

lsMSMQPath = "FormatName:DIRECT=OS:ServerName\private$

remoteQueue.Path = lsMSMQPath

Dim responseQueue As messaging.messageQueue = New
Dim adminQueue As messaging.messageQueue = New
responseQueue.Path =
"FormatName:Direct=TCP:{0}\private$\MyResponse", _deviceIPAddress)
adminQueue.Path =
"FormatName:Direct=TCP:{0}\private$\MyAdmin", _deviceIPAddress)

Dim msg As Message = New Message
msg.Body = "My data"
msg.Label = "My Label"
msg.TimeToBeReceived = System.TimeSpan.Parse("1.00:00:00")
msg.TimeToReachQueue = System.TimeSpan.Parse("1.00:00:00")
msg.ResponseQueue = responseQueue
msg.AdministrationQueue = adminQueue
msg.AcknowledgeType = Messaging.AcknowledgeTypes.FullReceive
Or Messaging.AcknowledgeTypes.FullReachQueue
msg.UseDeadLetterQueue = True
msg.UseJournalQueue = True
End Sub

the code is throwing no error after sending the data to the queue.
But the data is not reflected.

I am able to send data to a remote private queue in my network. But
not to a remote computer on the public network.
Try using DIRECT:TCP instead of DIRECT:OS for your remote queue path.

Thanks a lot. That worked.

Thank you for the time and effort spend to look into my problem.

Now we got another issue. My server code that reads the message from
the MQ is expecting a message with ActiveXFormatting and i am sending
the message in XMLFormatting. Can anybody help me to fix this. I cant
change the existing server code. Can i implement ACtiveXFormatting
in .NET CF?

Please help me to solve this issue...
Thanks a lot. That worked.

Thank you for the time and effort spend to look into my problem.

Now we got another issue. My server code that reads the message from
the MQ is expecting a message with ActiveXFormatting and i am sending
the message in XMLFormatting. Can anybody help me to fix this. I cant
change the existing server code. Can i implement ACtiveXFormatting
in .NET CF?

Please help me to solve this issue...

I have a MQ in a windows 2000 terminal to which i upload my messages.
But when i tried to create a trigger on the MQ. it gave me a warning
"The queue path was not validated, Make sure that the queue exists and
that it allows everyone Peek Access". I have provided full access to
everyone and also write access to Anonymous Login. The problem is my
trigger is not invoked once the message reaches the Queue. I have
created a Trigger that invokes a COM+ component and it is registered
using REGSVCS...

Can somebody help me to fix this issue / or is there any other options
to invoke a trigger when a message reaches the queue.