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In Disguise

How can I compare WINMSD files for two computers? Any programs out
there that will compare two and let me know the differences?

In said:

That works with text files, but will it work with an .nfo file?

From MSINFO, export to a text file instead of using .nfo files.

Some better alternatives to fc.exe:

Microsoft's Windiff.exe is an option.

It is to be found on a Win2k/WinXP CD, in the Support Tools

Install "Support Tools" by starting suptools.msi from

Also note that there is updated versions of Support Tools available:

Windows XP Service Pack 2 Support Tools

After the install, you will find Windiff.exe in
%ProgramFiles%\Support Tools\

Two other free file/folder difference analysis tools:


FCU File-Compare Utility
Didn't really work. Is there nothing at all that will allow me to
compare two workstations' configurations to help troubleshoot a problem?

Thanks, but I'm not looking for a "file difference" program, I want to
compare the configurations of two computers running XP and/or Win2k.

Is there a better way to do this?
I think you're missing the point.
EXPORT the MSINFO info on both machines into a text format.
Windiff allows you to compare the contents of two textfiles and highlights
the lines that differ in the two files.
(At least it used to do that in NT4 times, guess it still does. Haven't used
it in a while.)


No, I get the point exactly. I just would have thought that Microsoft
would have done something to make it much easier to compare to
workstations rather than a file compare in text mode.

Out of the hundreds of billions in revenue, this is the best they can
do? Surely they've seen the need for this for a very long time.

"I'm not sure why this application doesn't work on your computer - it
works fine on mine. I wonder what the differences are between our
computers that is causing the problem? They are exactly the same as far
as I can tell."
Well, what can I say.
I'm pretty sure they can do a lot better in fullfilling your specific
personal needs, given all their revenue.
The trick will probably be:

"How can I convince MS that this issue of mine is a real priority in the
grand scheme of creating cashflow."
After all, that is what they are in business for. Not necessarily to provide
us with the all omnipotent super dooper product.


I found I could compare using the unicode switch on fc.exe

On two computer, I ran
winmsd /categories +all /report p:\mysetting.txt
hit enter
I will look like nothing happens
wait 15 minutes

rename one of the files to mysetting2.txt, and copied it to a directory
with the other file


fc /U mysetting.txt mysetting2.txt >settingdiff.txt

notepad settingdiff.txt