Aaron said:
So does this mean that if MS decided to write office 12 in .NET, hackers
would be able to almost reconstruct the entire source code?
In theory, yes. Obfustication should go along way, probably far enough.
Complicated obfustication will usually make the work required to decompile
and understand a product high enough that it won't be done. As it stands, I
wouldn't try to decompile a lage standard, unobfusticated assemblyand
understand it completely. The variable names, etc aren't very good. I think
decompilation serves far more to help understand how things work when you
already know basically what they do than it owuld to reconstruct an entire
Grab an obfusticator, compile some .NET app(an OSS one will do), obfusticate
it and then decompile it and see waht you think of the results.
Also I found a program that is suppose to convert .net to native code? Can
someone explain the advantage and disadvantage of this?
Main advantage is that you don't have to worry about distributing the
framework, assuming you mean one of the native converters that are made for
that purpose., and that there is no startup JIT time(which, IMHO, people
blow out of proportion). I don't know how these products deal with garbage
collection, reflection, etc however, you may also loose metadata.
Disadvantages are generally
1) Security: If there is a serious bug in the .NET framework that opens a
security vulnerability, merely upgrading the framework won't be sufficent,
your application will have to be recompiled with the patched framework so it
has correct code, which means you can't rely on Microsofts update
distribution backbone to get your app patched in this circumstance.
2) Portability: Native code is pretty much stuck to hte processor type it is
working on. I don't know how they work explicitly but it might tie you to a
particular OS as well.
3) Efficency: Native compilation may not be capable of opimizing as well and
won't benifit from new JIT optimizations whenever teh framework is upgraded
This isn't to say that either option is definatly better, just some of the
problems and advantages I could see. Doesn't the site where you found the
program rant about its advantages atleast?