MSIL Language Specification

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zachary Turner
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Zachary Turner

Is there a place I can get a hold of the MSIL Language Specification?
I want a detailed reference for MSIL without having to resort to a book
such as Serge Linden's, since it is obviously doesn't cover the
modifications made to MSIL since the release of .NET 2.0.

If it's like 1.1 SDK the specs will come with it. under 1.1 I believe
it was in
Tool Developers Guide\docs under the SDK directory
In particular I was actually holding out for the hope that IL supported
"template specialization" akin to that of C++s. Knew it was a 1%
chance though, and apparently I was right. It just seems a bit odd to
me that I can't write a generic method parameterized with a numeric
type and which takes a string as an argument, [for example, T
f<T>(string s)], and do the appropriate conversion without relying on
any runtime / reflection services. I've tried everything I can think
of, and I've decided that without something which is functionally
equivalent to template specialization, it isn't possible.