Doctor said:MSIE7 has gotta be totally off-topic in a FREEWARE newsgroup.
Rod said:Why ?
jo said:Is IE not an integral part of a buyware product?
Doctor said:MSIE7 has gotta be totally off-topic in a FREEWARE newsgroup.
No flame war this time tho ?? Must be one of Corliss' mates.
Why do you want a flame war?
You're barking up your own tree Pal!
Daniel said:Hello!
Can I use, Microsoft´s Internet Explorer with a freeware operating
Best Regards
Why ?
Can I use, Microsoft´s Internet Explorer with a freeware operating
Yes, you can run IE under Solaris.
BTW, there's a lot of freeware mentioned in this newsgroup that
only runs under windows.
»Q« said:Internet Explorer for UNIX Home Page
Internet Explorer for UNIX
We sincerely apologize, but Internet Explorer technologies for
UNIX are no longer available for download. Visit the Internet
Explorer Web site for more information on Internet Explorer.
The EULAs for freeware don't rule out running it under WINE; AFAIK,
Microsoft still requires a valid licence for one of its operating
systems in order to use the IE Windows binaries. Maybe IE for OSX
is freeware, though, I dunno.
Don't think it matters in this case, as there are a lot of
hard-to-find-last-freeware-versions of programs turned shareware
somewhere on the internet, but if you want it, you can find a
IE-version for solaris here :
I'm not into WINE, so I wouldn't know what apps run under it or
not. My very careful guess is that at least 50% of the people in
ACF are using a windows-version as their OS, so IMHO IE is on
topic here as it is freeware for them at least.
so IMHO IE is on topic here as it is freeware for them at least.
OE even made it to the last pricelessware-list,
don't know if that works under WINE, concluding from your post IE
doesn't so OE shouldn't either.
Still it's pricelessware, so I guess it's on
topic here. I'm using win98SE, there are freeware programs that
require a 'higher' version of Windows.
Yes it is, but IIRC it can also be downloaded for free from M$.
»Q« said:<SNIPPED
A lot of former freeware is redistributed without the permission of
its copyright holder. Unless Microsoft gave permission to
planetmirror to redistribute, it's not freeware. Redistribution is
not something Microsoft usually grants, but I don't care much, and
I'm not about to bother checking this case.
It's not legal to run IE on Windows unless you've got a paid-for
licence for Windows.
Note that I have not made any claims about IE/OE being off-topic or
about what's suitable for the PL. Further note that the PL contains
many apps that are not freeware.
AFAIK it's still illegal to run OE under WINE. IE/OE for Windows is
distributed as a single package, with one EULA.
The only programs I know of which require a valid, paid-for Windows
OS license as part of their EULAs are Microsoft programs. IE/OE for
Windows is sold bundled with Microsoft operating systems; it's not
legal to download and use unless you buy the bundle.
To tell you the truth I just don't understand your question. Can you
please be a little bit more specific?
Correct, but for the people here who have such a license,
Noted the first part, for the second part: there are ?
Didn't know that, so how about the IE for Mac, is there a
different EULA for that ?
It's free ( at least it was the last time I owned a Mac).
Like I said, a lot of people here (and not here) have a
But, out of curiousity, do you think IE is on-topic here ?
Do you consider it freeware ?
What's your definition of freeware ?
( the last question jumped to me after
your remark about the PLW containing non-freeware programs)
»Q« said:Just to be clear, the only ones I object being on the list are
Trillian and OE.
»Q« said:Right. They bought IE/OE along with that licence. They get free
upgrades to the broswer suite they bought, but free upgrades to
paid-for software are not freeware.
"Many" is a relative term, so YMMV. You can have a look at the 2004
list, sorted by ware type, at
None of it is as far from the spirit of freeware as IE/OE
is, with the possible exception of the nagware Trillian.
I guess it's freeware; I don't know.
A lot of people here and else wherehave valid licences for Ahead
cd-burning software and can download free upgrades, yet it's not
No comment.
It's commercial software.
I'll go with the group's concensus.
Freeware: Legally obtainable software that you may use at no cost,
monetary or otherwise, for as long as you wish.
In the case of IE/OE for Windows, the cost is monetary.
Just to be clear, the only ones I object being on the list are
Trillian and OE. I haven't taken a look at the EULAs for the other
Microsoft "freeware" on the list.
You *might* want to add one more. . .
GhostScript and GSView (GhostView)
(GSView is Nagware)