MSIE 6.0: Will it work with Win95?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dav1936531
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MSIE a freeware.....right?

I currently have IE v 5.5 (service pack 1) on my Win95 system. I have run into
a problem accessing some sites (banking information) that I absolutely need to
access. A call to the tech rep at those sites said their site requires upgrade
to IE 6.0.

A visit to MS's site for the upgrade says IE 6.0 is compatable with Win98, ME,
etc., etc., but makes no mention of compatability with Win95.

I realize MS has stopped supporting Win95, but I am wondering if I will be able
to install IE 6.0 on my Win95 machine anyway.

Has anyone installed IE 6.0 on their Win95 machine, and if so, how did it/ does
it work out? Will it create any problems to do so?

I also noticed a whole slew of security update pakages for IE 6.0. Any complete
list of the downloads I will require to get the thing installed and upgraded to
plug all the holes?

Thanks for any information on this matter.
: MSIE a freeware.....right?
: I currently have IE v 5.5 (service pack 1) on my Win95 system. I have
run into
: a problem accessing some sites (banking information) that I absolutely
need to
: access. A call to the tech rep at those sites said their site requires
: to IE 6.0.
: A visit to MS's site for the upgrade says IE 6.0 is compatable with
Win98, ME,
: etc., etc., but makes no mention of compatability with Win95.
: I realize MS has stopped supporting Win95, but I am wondering if I
will be able
: to install IE 6.0 on my Win95 machine anyway.
: Has anyone installed IE 6.0 on their Win95 machine, and if so, how did
it/ does
: it work out? Will it create any problems to do so?
: I also noticed a whole slew of security update pakages for IE 6.0. Any
: list of the downloads I will require to get the thing installed and
upgraded to
: plug all the holes?
: Thanks for any information on this matter.
: Dave

IE 6 is NOT designed for Windows '95. You need 98 and higher.
Dav1936531 said:
MSIE a freeware.....right?

I currently have IE v 5.5 (service pack 1) on my Win95 system. I have run into
a problem accessing some sites (banking information) that I absolutely need to
access. A call to the tech rep at those sites said their site requires upgrade
to IE 6.0.

A visit to MS's site for the upgrade says IE 6.0 is compatable with Win98, ME,
etc., etc., but makes no mention of compatability with Win95.

I realize MS has stopped supporting Win95, but I am wondering if I will be able
to install IE 6.0 on my Win95 machine anyway.

Has anyone installed IE 6.0 on their Win95 machine, and if so, how did it/ does
it work out? Will it create any problems to do so?

I also noticed a whole slew of security update pakages for IE 6.0. Any complete
list of the downloads I will require to get the thing installed and upgraded to
plug all the holes?

Even Firefox requires W98 or higher, but Moxilla 1.7.3 is W95 compatible: Does your banking
site make itself Mozilla-friendly?

Still, there must be a workaround for the problems you are experiencing
with your banking site, which will allow you to still use IE 5.5. It
might be something as simple as putting your banking site into your
Trusted Sites Zone, but then you didn't describe the nature of the
From: "Ionizer" (e-mail address removed)
<[email protected]>

Still, there must be a workaround for the problems you are experiencing
with your banking site, which will allow you to still use IE 5.5. It
might be something as simple as putting your banking site into your
Trusted Sites Zone, but then you didn't describe the nature of the

Thanks for the reply. The problem I am having is a scripting problem. I get a
little window that pops up informing me there has been a scripting error and
asks "do I wish to continue to run scripts on this page?" in:
so many errors it is impossible to navigate the site, the links to pages don't
work, and I cannot enter secure areas because I cannot send password/account
infor to the page server.

All security settings in my current version of IE 5.5 are set open to allow the
scripts to run, so I do not think the problems come from my side of the
server/browser equation.

I originally thought the problem was the Sun Microsystems/Microsoft Java fight.
I thought that possibly the site in question dropped support for MicroSoft's
version of Java and went to the Sun version.

So I downloaded the Sun version of Java with the intent to install it, only to
find that it, too, is not compatable with Win95.

So I then called the tech rep of the site in question who told me that IE 6.0
is required.

Not sure what type of work around is in order since one other poster mention
that IE 6.0 will NOT work with Win95.

Thanks again for any ideas.
Dav1936531 said:
Thanks for the reply. The problem I am having is a scripting problem. I get a
little window that pops up informing me there has been a scripting error and
asks "do I wish to continue to run scripts on this page?" in:
so many errors it is impossible to navigate the site, the links to pages don't
work, and I cannot enter secure areas because I cannot send password/account
infor to the page server.

All security settings in my current version of IE 5.5 are set open to allow the
scripts to run, so I do not think the problems come from my side of the
server/browser equation.

I originally thought the problem was the Sun Microsystems/Microsoft Java fight.
I thought that possibly the site in question dropped support for MicroSoft's
version of Java and went to the Sun version.

So I downloaded the Sun version of Java with the intent to install it, only to
find that it, too, is not compatable with Win95.

So I then called the tech rep of the site in question who told me that IE 6.0
is required.

Not sure what type of work around is in order since one other poster mention
that IE 6.0 will NOT work with Win95.

I wish I could be of more help, but this is beyond my limited realm of
expertise. You might get more expert responses by posting in one of the
Microsoft newsgroups, or even in 24hoursupport.helpdesk. A quick Google
search indicates lots of resources on the topic though, so you are
obviously not alone:"scripting+error"+IE+5.5&btnG=Google+Search&meta=

One of the first links I clicked on pointed to the design of the web site
as the culprit, although the specific scripting error isn't the same as

If worst comes to worst you could always consider taking that Mozilla
browser for a test drive.

Best of luck,
(e-mail address removed) (Dav1936531) wrote in
Thanks for the reply. The problem I am having is a
scripting problem. I get a little window that pops up
informing me there has been a scripting error and asks "do
I wish to continue to run scripts on this
page?" in: so many errors it is
impossible to navigate the site, the links to pages don't
work, and I cannot enter secure areas because I cannot send
password/account infor to the page server.

All security settings in my current version of IE 5.5 are
set open to allow the scripts to run, so I do not think the
problems come from my side of the server/browser equation.

I originally thought the problem was the Sun
Microsystems/Microsoft Java fight. I thought that possibly
the site in question dropped support for MicroSoft's
version of Java and went to the Sun version.

So I downloaded the Sun version of Java with the intent to
install it, only to find that it, too, is not compatable
with Win95.

So I then called the tech rep of the site in question who
told me that IE 6.0 is required.

Not sure what type of work around is in order since one
other poster mention that IE 6.0 will NOT work with Win95.

Thanks again for any ideas.


Sun has Java's that work on W95. JRE certainly does.
There might be other (later) ver's as well.

Conor said:
No. You must have a Microsoft Windows licence to use it.

Ahhh, excellent point!!

Windows OS's are not freeware! So, if we are be completely free of
payware, we need to get rid of it!
Dav1936531 said:
Thanks for the reply. The problem I am having is a scripting problem.
I get a little window that pops up informing me there has been a
scripting error and asks "do I wish to continue to run scripts on
this page?" in: so many errors it is impossible
to navigate the site, the links to pages don't work, and I cannot
enter secure areas because I cannot send password/account infor
to the page server.
All security settings in my current version of IE 5.5 are set open
to allow the scripts to run, so I do not think the problems come
from my side of the server/browser equation.
I originally thought the problem was the Sun Microsystems/
Microsoft Java fight. I thought that possibly the site in
question dropped support for MicroSoft's version of Java and went
to the Sun version.

If you're certain that this is a scripting problem (which seems to be the
case, evidenced by the error message), then keep in mind that this refers to
a Java Script error. That's NOT Java.

Java is from Sun. Java Script originated with Netscape, and became
standardized in Europe as ECMA Script.

Regardles of that, if your problem is with Java Script, then it won't be
productive to look for the problem with Java.

I had the same error when surfing some web sites, some years ago. Moving
from Win 98 to XP solved the problem. Under the covers, the real fix may
have been the result of moving to a newer version of IE.

In either case, the message is clear: support for older software is
non-existent. I don't know whether a system upgrade is within your means.
But the desktop computing business has forced us to throw out the old and
replace it with the new.

With hardware, like cars and refrigerators, the old becomes worn out and we
WANT to replace it. With software, the old becomes obsolete, and we're
FORCED to replace it. Unfortunate, but true.
No. You must have a Microsoft Windows licence to use it.

Having a lincense and being a freeware is not mutually exclusive. I
don't think Microsoft expect Mac users to pay to download IE for Mac.
Having a lincense and being a freeware is not mutually exclusive. I
don't think Microsoft expect Mac users to pay to download IE for Mac.
Actually Apple pay a fee to Microsoft.
NO, IE 6 will not install on windows 95, IE 5.5 servicepack2 is the newest
version for windows 95, try google.