
Anyone know how to fix a MSHTML.DLL error in IE? I just
started to get this and need to shut down IE, which then
has me going into Desktop recovery mode.

Sorry if anyone saw this post on the Outlook Express
newsgroup. I mis-posted it there.



Yes, but first I suggest to scan your PC with a strong antivirus software
Then scan it again with antispyware or a lavasoft..
If you have a Win98 SE update and you run IE6 with SP1 find out if such error window appears during the navigation or the scrolling of some active scripts in your browser..
If yes you should set better these kind of settings on IE (settings) menu
Test it again, and its good functionality when moving on internet..
If you get problems again you should reinstall urlmon.dll file or upgrade the user.exe file in Win98SE
I think reinstalling IE6 is not the final solution

Smile Extender

Have you installed security patch Q832894? It causes access violation errors
on mshtml.dll if I try to preview messages with yenc encoded attachments
with Outlook Express. I have also heard about other problems with that

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