mshelp:link does not work

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Recently I run XP Repair Pro 2006, the program that cleans up the
registry. After that many features stopped working and MSDN is one of them.
Now tags starting from <mshelp dont work. For example all link that were
created like <mshelp:link dont work. They are displayed as links but when you
click on them nothing happens. However there are no errors displayed.
I looked for a solution on different forums, followed many suggestions
but nothing helped. I tried to uninstall and install again MSDN and VS 2005,
use IEFix, run ie.inf, install SP2 again (I have Windows XP SP2). I found
similar descriptions concerning to VS 2003 and the solutions were to change
some keys in the registry or clean up a particular folder in the Documents
and Settings but nothing help.
Could somebody help to resolve the problem? Could somebody give me
additional information on how mshelp tags work?

Hi Alex,

Do you mean ms-help://

That is the protocol I have in my registry.

I meant mshelp:link on a page like this
not the protocol itself. The protocol works fine.
I will ask them but I did not find any back up files. I need to add that
the windows backup/restore feature is turned off in my system.

If somebody is interested. I still did not find a way to reinstall
IE, so that mshelp:link would work but I found a solution. I installed
IE 7 beta2. That installation fixed the broken components. Though, it
would be good to know what component is responsible for xml processing
inside the IE.
