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I am trying to alert the user with the msgbox fucntion.
Here is what I am doing. In a number field called Counts I wan to Sum up
its values when it is =>2500 to pop up the MsgBox with Yes and No actions.
When Yes is selected it clears the counter and re-loop, when No is selected
the MsgBox closes but, will continue to alert the user until Yes is selected.

So far I created the MsgBox for the Counts in AfterUpdate [Event Procedure].
I tried the IIF statement but ran into some issues. Can anyone help? Thnx
in advance.


If me.Counts >= 2500 then
if msgbox("Do you want to reset?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Max of 2500
reached") = vbYes then
'enter here your reset code
end if
end if