-----Original Message-----
Hi Mary,
There is a way to get the first line bold by calling the following function
insead of MsgBox:
Function FormattedMsgBox( _
Prompt As String, _
Optional buttons As VbMsgBoxStyle = vbOKOnly, _
Optional Title As String = vbNullString, _
Optional HelpFile As Variant, _
Optional Context As Variant) _
As VbMsgBoxResult
If IsMissing(HelpFile) Or IsMissing(Context) Then
FormattedMsgBox = Eval("MsgBox(""" & Prompt & _
""", " & buttons & ", """ & Title & """)")
FormattedMsgBox = Eval("MsgBox(""" & Prompt & _
""", " & buttons & ", """ & Title & """, """ & _
HelpFile & """, " & Context & ")")
End If
End Function
Function FormattedMsgBox( _
Prompt As String, _
Optional buttons As VbMsgBoxStyle = vbOKOnly, _
Optional Title As String = vbNullString, _
Optional HelpFile As Variant, _
Optional Context As Variant) _
As VbMsgBoxResult
If IsMissing(HelpFile) Or IsMissing(Context) Then
FormattedMsgBox = Eval("MsgBox(""" & Prompt & _
""", " & buttons & ", """ & Title & """)")
FormattedMsgBox = Eval("MsgBox(""" & Prompt & _
""", " & buttons & ", """ & Title & """, """ & _
HelpFile & """, " & Context & ")")
End If
End Function
The Eval function forces the function to run in Access and not VBA.
You can also create a custom form for the purpose as I have done - see the
Utilities Add-In at
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