MSGBOX Run-time Error '13': Type mismatch

  • Thread starter Thread starter GEdwards
  • Start date Start date


I receive a Run-time Error '13': Type mismatch on the "MsgBox" statement
shown below. Before continuing with the use of the "sourceRange" I just want
to ensure
that I am picking up the correct data.

I am even wondering however if the line prior to the MsgBox, "Set
sourceRange..." is actually working.

Any suggestions to correct the type mismatch and display the actual values
within the source range?

Sub DisplayMat()
Dim sourceRange As Range

RowCount = 8
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
If lastrow > 7 Then
For Each qty In Range("A8:A" & lastrow)
If qty <> "" Then
Set sourceRange = Range("A" & RowCount & ":" & "D" & RowCount)
MsgBox sourceRange 'I even tried "MsgBox sourceRange.value"
'Do more stuff here with the sourceRange and output to another WSheet
End If
RowCount = RowCount + 1
End If
End Sub

sourceRange is working fine and on the first pass through the loop it is
'Set' to A8:D8 i.e. 4 cells each of which may or may not have a value in. I
say that because the only thing your code actually establishes is that there
is something in column 3 (C) in row 8 or higher.

You're getting a type mismatch because sourceRange doesn't have a default
value but you can test it is working by using sourceRange.address for example

If you change your code to this you can loop thriugh sourcerange and see the

Sub DisplayMat()
Dim sourceRange As Range

RowCount = 8
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
If lastrow > 7 Then

For Each qty In Range("A8:A" & lastrow)
If qty <> "" Then
Set sourceRange = Range("A" & RowCount & ":" & "D" & RowCount)
For Each c In sourceRange
MsgBox c.Value 'I even tried "MsgBox sourceRange.value"
'Do more stuff here with the sourceRange and output to another WSheet
End If
RowCount = RowCount + 1
End If
End Sub


When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the
See if this idea helps.

Sub dm()
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
If lastrow > 7 Then
For i = 8 To lastrow
With Cells(i, 1).Resize(, 4)
..Copy 'etc
'.something else

End With
Next i
End If

End Sub
sourceRange is a range object and cannot be displayed in Msgbox...You need to
loop through the values like the below

Dim cell As range, strMsg As String
Set sourceRange = Range("A" & RowCount & ":" & "D" & RowCount)
For each cell in sourceRange
strMsg = strMsg & "," & cell.Text
Msgbox strMsg
Your welcome and thank you for the feedback

When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the