I consider myself an Excel formula expert, but only slightly above th
novice level in VBA macros. Here's my problem.
I have a workbook where I've written about 30 different retrieve macro
(Hyperion Essbase) to update data in different sections of the file.
At the end of each macro I have a msgbox that basicall says "dat
updated". This is fine for running the macros individually.
I'm now writing a macro that will call and run all of the other ones i
a specific order. I don't want the user to have to click OK 30 time
in order for the macro to continue.
Is there a way to make it automatically clear each box and continue.
Obviously I could take the msgboxs off of the end of each individua
macro and it would work, but I'd really like to keep them their.
Any suggestions?
I consider myself an Excel formula expert, but only slightly above th
novice level in VBA macros. Here's my problem.
I have a workbook where I've written about 30 different retrieve macro
(Hyperion Essbase) to update data in different sections of the file.
At the end of each macro I have a msgbox that basicall says "dat
updated". This is fine for running the macros individually.
I'm now writing a macro that will call and run all of the other ones i
a specific order. I don't want the user to have to click OK 30 time
in order for the macro to continue.
Is there a way to make it automatically clear each box and continue.
Obviously I could take the msgboxs off of the end of each individua
macro and it would work, but I'd really like to keep them their.
Any suggestions?