There is no printto command for the file type .msg. What
would be the proper way to add this functionality?
would be the proper way to add this functionality?
-----Original Message-----
MSG files are Outlook Items, a proprietary format that can only be opened or
printed within Outlook. Outlook has limited rendering capability so there is
no printto verb you can define.
What is it you are tying to accomplish?
Russ Valentine
There is no printto command for the file type .msg. What
would be the proper way to add this functionality?
jenny said:We're trying to attach a saved e-mail from Outlook (.msg)
and send it as an attachment via fax. Excel and Word
docs work fine and have printto defined in file types.
-----Original Message-----
MSG files are Outlook Items, a proprietary format that can only be opened or
printed within Outlook. Outlook has limited rendering capability so there is
no printto verb you can define.
What is it you are tying to accomplish?
Russ Valentine
There is no printto command for the file type .msg. What
would be the proper way to add this functionality?