With DOSBOX you can emulate a DOS computer on your XP desktop:
If you prefer to explore other advanced methods, here are two of the best
tutorials I've found on the subject: >and:
Jimmy S.
Additional Support Resources: My Zone.com Helpsite:
Microsoft Online Tech Support:
Game FAQ's:
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx? scid=FH;[LN];gms
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >How do I open them in XP? Sometime I get the message
| that
| >the file is too large. Too large? I Have 48 gigs open.
| >Mostly I get the spit second dos screen. Have a couple
| >gime files that I really would like to play.
| >.
| >Uh, that would be GAME files. Dumb fingers!