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I have disabled most programs on the startup tab so my computer starts up
well. My question is, can I disable some of the programs on the "services"
tab so that my computer will run faster?

You are misusing msconfig. It is a tool for troubleshooting a
problematic boot. It is is not intended to be used to disable start up

To identify what loads when you boot use Autoruns (freeware) from

With Autoruns you can uncheck an item, which disables it from
starting,or you can right click an item and then delete it. If you
uncheck you can recheck to re-enable the item. It is a much safer
approach than editing the Registry and better than using msconfig..
Another useful feature of the programme is that you can right click an
item and select Search Online to get information about the item

Turning off services is likely to lead to problems. Many users that do
then ask later why does this not works. If you are seeking better system
performance there are better ways to go about it.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute

go to the services tab
and "hide" microsoft

and what remains can
be disabled.

DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces
- nntp Postologist
~ "share the nirvana" - dbZen

I have disabled most programs on the startup tab so my computer starts up

Disabling "most" is not a good idea. Here's my standard post on the

First, note that you should be concerned with *all* programs that
start automatically, not just with those that go into the system tray.
Not all autostarting programs manifest themselves by an icon in the

On each program you don't want to start automatically, check its
Options to see if it has the choice not to start (make sure you
actually choose the option not to run it, not just a "don't show icon"
option). Many can easily and best be stopped that way. If that doesn't
work, run MSCONFIG from the Start | Run line, and on the Startup tab,
uncheck the programs you don't want to start automatically.

However, if I were you, I wouldn't do this just for the purpose of
running the minimum number of programs. Despite what many people tell
you, you should be concerned, not with how *many* of these programs
you run, but *which*. Some of them can hurt performance severely, but
others have no effect on performance.

Don't just stop programs from running willy-nilly. What you should do
is determine what each program is, what its value is to you, and what
the cost in performance is of its running all the time. You can try
google searches and ask about specifics here.

Once you have that information, you can make an intelligent informed
decision about what you want to keep and what you want to get rid of.

My question is, can I disable some of the programs on the "services"
tab so that my computer will run faster?

You can, but knowing what is safe to do requires pretty sophisticated
knowledge. And any benefits you might achieve are slim. I do *not*
recommend doing this.
there are no consequences
for disabling non microsoft

there were never needed to
install windows to begin

DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces
- nntp Postologist
~ "share the nirvana" - dbZen

again, you should learn
to shut up or create your
own threads instead of
hijacking others to spread
your infected arrogance.

btw: you're an s.o.b.

DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces
- nntp Postologist
~ "share the nirvana" - dbZen


Very bad advice. You need to know exactly the problems that what you describe can
create. You would need a very good knowledge of your computer before you go ahead
and do that
I don't think so.

I stand by the advice I provided.

why on earth would you think
that third party services are
needed to run windows?

when are these third party
services installed?

who installed them, microsoft
or the o.p.?


the objective is to answer
the op's question and not
serve as judge's who determine
what the o.p. should or should
not know.

so my only advice to the
newsgroup cop's and judges

is to post their own threads
and tell the o.p.'s that they
are inexperienced and do not
deserve any answers to their
questions - instead of telling

however, it is my hope that
you not one of them.

DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces
- nntp Postologist
~ "share the nirvana" - dbZen

the o.p. didn't ask for
your protection.


DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces
- nntp Postologist
~ "share the nirvana" - dbZen

what does a troll know
about giving advice?

based on the other threads
you have posted on,

you are clearly delusional
and pathetic.

stop trolling or I will do
the same for "every" post
you provide on threads.

DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces
- nntp Postologist
~ "share the nirvana" - dbZen

you don't have to state
to me that you concede
or reasons why.

simply stop replying and
I will too.

don't post anything against
my sub threads and I promise
I will leave you alone as well.

DatabaseBen, Retired Professional
- Systems Analyst
- Database Developer
- Accountancy
- Veteran of the Armed Forces
- nntp Postologist
~ "share the nirvana" - dbZen
