msconfig window disappears



I just posted a message "Regedit Window Disappears", and
I had forgotten that the msconfig window disappears a
couple of seconds after I have brought it up. This was
not always this way, but has been for the last couple
months. Obviously these two problems are related. I
have had a virus, but all seems to be cleared up except
this. Any help is really appreciated.

Email follows. Sorry to give bogus email but had very
bad experience in the past. Thanks. Bonnie

sdftiming(remove this)

Bruce Chambers

Bonnie said:
I just posted a message "Regedit Window Disappears", and
I had forgotten that the msconfig window disappears a
couple of seconds after I have brought it up. This was
not always this way, but has been for the last couple
months. Obviously these two problems are related. I
have had a virus, but all seems to be cleared up except
this. Any help is really appreciated.

Email follows. Sorry to give bogus email but had very
bad experience in the past. Thanks. Bonnie

sdftiming(remove this)

The type of behavior you describe is typical behavior of more than
one virus/worm, the three below being the most common:

W32.Klez[email protected]

W32.Yaha[email protected]


Because many of the newer viruses and worms, such as the
Spybot mentioned above, can disable antivirus applications whose
definitions aren't kept up-to-date, try using one or more of the free
on-line scanners to double-check your system.

Trend Micro - Free online virus Scan

McAfee Security - FreeScan

Symantec Security Check

Panda ActiveScan - Free online scanner


Bruce Chambers

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