MSCONFIG in Win98 is what in 2000pro

  • Thread starter Thread starter GT
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What is the command line in the Start Run to use for what
was used in Win 98 as msconfig? I looked high and low in
the help files and nothing comes up on a query for config
applications for Windows 2000 Pro.

Thanks in advance
Hi GT - There are several approaches you can use to make controlling the
Startup process easier in Win2k.

1) If you still have access to it, you can move a copy of the Win98 msconfig
to your \System\ folder and it will work - just ignore any complaints it

2) Much better, you can go here: (XP Version which works in Win2k
just fine) or here: (stated to be a
Win2k Version - probably the same as the XP) or here: and download msconfig.

3) As good, but different, is to go here: and get Mike Lin's Startup Control
Panel applet. A somewhat more difficult to use but more extensive program
to do the same thing is StartupList from here:, or even better, Autoruns from
here: Be
very careful about doing any Registry modifications directly unless you're
comfortable with this, and be sure that you BACKUP your Registry before
making any changes, so that you can recover if something goes wrong.
Changes made with StartUpCPL are less likely to cause problems, and are
usually a matter of just re-enabling the particular program. Another
program of this type that I can recommend is StartMan, free. You'll have to
get it here:, as the
pcforest site is, sadly, no longer in business. Another such free program
that I can highly recommend is StartupRun, here:,
particularly if you suspect malware problems. And finally, StartupCop,
here is excellent and allows you to set up multiple "startup profiles": If you have problems with
suspected hijackers, you can look up and investigate suspect programs in
your StartUp lists here: (Recommended) (Recommended) (Recommended)

All work fine for controlling startups, however, I would recommend getting
both of the last two. They're both free, and each has some advantages. For
example, the XP msconfig also gives you some visibility/control over
services, while Mike's applet offers much better startup control.

Also, you should read and print out/save for future reference mskb article
Q179365 here:;EN-US;q179365 which will
tell you the order in which things get loaded.

Two additional resources which have useful information relating to startup
issues are:

How to Delay Loading of Specific Services;en-us;193888

HOWTO: Control Device Driver Load Order

Perhaps this will help.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

What is the command line in the Start Run to use for what
was used in Win 98 as msconfig? I looked high and low in

Win98 and WinXp have MSCONFIG, but Win2k does not... be VERY
CAREFUL what you disable, or your computer may not run at all
This program does that
To stop Internet Explorer pop-ups
To prescreen and block Email
Tweak your system to run better

John Thomas Smith
Greetings --

MSConfig is/was a Win98/Me utility, brought back in WinXP, which
is also targeted at the home consumer market. There is no equivalent
utility included with WinNT/Win2K.

In most cases, one need only open the offending program and
deselect the option to "display icon in the system tray" or to "start
when Windows starts."

To view the list of your start up programs, look in the
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Start Up and
C:\Documents and Settings\username\Start Menu\Programs\Start Up
folders, and in the system registry, primarily in the
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run and
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run keys. These can
also be viewed, if I remember correctly, by right-clicking My
Computer, selecting "Manage" and expanding System Tools-- System
Information -- Software Environment -- Startup Programs. To prevent
any of them from starting at login, you'll have to delete shortcuts
from the startup folder(s) and/or edit the registry. I should point
out that, in order to make such system modifications requires one to
have administrative privileges to the machine in question. I should
also point out that one should not even consider editing the registry
unless he is fully confident that he knows exactly what is going to
happen as a result of each and every change.

Bruce Chambers

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