Ron said:
When I navigated to the recommended URL,
I saw nothing about installing a program. It looked like pretty
straightforward operations to be done in command mode and then, if
that didn't work, using the registry editor built in to windows.
What program did you install?
Actually there is a link on that page to "Remote Support option" at , which gives the option to pay a
"nominal fee" to receive remote support via CrossLoop.
To the OP:
From :
"This problem may occur if there is no drive C on your computer.
MSConfig utility looks for a boot.ini file in C:\ root."
Do you have a C: drive?
If you do, then you need to follow the directions at the page already
First, see if this is a file permissions issue:
Type C:\Boot.ini in Start, Run dialog. If you get Access Denied or
similar error, that explains the problem.
Otherwise, try the other fix for "another obscure possibility":
Open Regedit and navigate to:
Backup the key (*) by exporting it to a REG file (see page below for
more info)
In the right-pane, delete the value named Boot.ini (if found)
Close Registry Editor and open MSCONFIG.
"How to backup the Windows XP Registry"
No need to make any payments to anybody.