MSBlast -greets

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I have read what is said in the worm about Bill Gates and such; but has
anyone see who the greets were sent out to? I was wondering; because from
what I have been reading elsewhere's homeland security may just be looking
to talk to all those in the greets list and if anyone I know is on that list
it may be in their best interest to know ahead of time. That is sure one
list I am glad I am not on<vbg>
Hash: SHA1

I have read what is said in the worm about Bill Gates and such; but
has anyone see who the greets were sent out to? I was wondering;
because from what I have been reading elsewhere's homeland security
may just be looking to talk to all those in the greets list and if
anyone I know is on that list it may be in their best interest to
know ahead of time. That is sure one list I am glad I am not

"Don't be so humble, you're not that great."
- -anon

Version: PGP 8.0.2
Comment: Because I *can* be.


Laura Fredericks
PGP key ID - DH/DSS 2048/1024: 0xC753039A

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Laura Fredericks said:
Hash: SHA1

"Don't be so humble, you're not that great."
- -anon

Version: PGP 8.0.2
Comment: Because I *can* be.


Laura Fredericks
PGP key ID - DH/DSS 2048/1024: 0xC753039A

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"An unknown has little need for humility; but should use it anyway"

btw, I did find one greet and so far the only one in any of MBlast and that
is to someone called "SAN". I guess of course that however could
conceivably be to 3 persons S,A, and N?

Oh and Laura remember when you thought I was watching TV? something you
forgot to take into consideration and after giving you enough time to figure
it out , I thought I may as well tell you because it looks like you're not
going to figure it out. There is such a thing as a TVI or TV out card. Let
me know next time you are looking in at my cam and I will put my desktop up
on the TV just so as you can hit yourself on the head and say "Dah". rofl.
You see my children love for me to take the TV capture card on one pc and
send it to another and create a DVD with several seasons of their favorites
on them, and my son even though he has graduated HS still loves some cartoon
called "DragonBallZ", personally I like the "Roadrunner" because I think of
the peeps on Usenet as Wile E. Coyote and myself as the Road Runner, tee he
btw, I did find one greet and so far the only one in any of MBlast
and that is to someone called "SAN".

_You_ did? or you mean you read that in the same place as just about
everyone else... AV web sites? ;)


Ian.H said:
I never claimed to be an expert, and I certainly don't get spoon-fed..

I have never accused you of being an expert either have I? But whether or
not you know it, to some here you most times come across like you *are*
trying to sound like an expert.
for anything. I found some strings from using UEdit and ResHacker, for
"quick glancing".. and still read it on many AV sites too.. thing is,
you're trying to appear smart................ ;)
Well if you must know I simply looked using frhed a freeware hex editor. I
like it over debug; because it handles much larger files and has more bells
and whistles to make several things much easer then using debug. Almost
anyone can put a simple virus into a hex editor and even if they don't know
what they are seeing inside can still look for non-printable strings ;o) I
however on the other hand do know a little of what I am looking at; after
all assembly is assembly whether it be on the old commodore or cpm or
present day IBM compatible because this will save all the registers whether
in an old cpm program or one for today's machines:
push ax ;save all registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di

btw, I don't try or have to appear anything to anyone; because I could care
less what others think of me; because I know what I know what I know also I
am what I am what I am and it maters little to me what others think. I wear
what I want when I want regardless of fashion, and I think what I like
regardless of what others think and I do as I please and the only guide I
care about is the bible; because nothing any man I know or know of (outside
the bible) influences anything I think. If someone makes sense and what
they say is not in opposition to what my bible teaches then I will consider
it; but if my experience tells me they are full of it then I tell them so;
because I say nothing behind someone's back I would not say to their face.
The only vice I have is that I put a few dollars on the lottery once in a
while; I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't do drugs and I don't do quite a
number of things society says is ok; but my bible tells me differently. a
push, or push or mov or sub or jmp or what ever are all the same then as
I've thought this and used this "argument" too. What I learnt from the
little bit of "dabbling" I did.. has helped me a load when I get friends
ask me to help them try and rid themseleves of this and that. A lot of
the time, I can be of assistance, but not always.. as none of us know it
all =)

Those that think they know it all are especially irritating to those of
us the do, lol, J/K. I wish I had a dollar for every time I have given free
repair information out to friends and family or just to those in chat room
help groups back when I still did IRC or even on the web chat rooms. About
the only time I am online and don't get asked advice is when I am playing
chess; because all those that play chess with me know I don't chat while
playing a timed game and now days you can only play a 5 min game or else
they try and run a chess program in one window and use it's moves.
To a few here and on that other NG that shall remain nameless which I
no longer lurk or post to I may seem the fool; but to all those countless
users I have helped it is otherwise. I enjoy playing the SE game with some
here as I did there and I think I truly have them believing me to be some
dumb old hillbilly living in a trailer and though they are half right (old
and hillbilly well old if you count 50 as being old) they are not 100%
right, lol
Hash: SHA1

To a few here and on that other NG that shall remain nameless which
I no longer lurk or post to I may seem the fool; but to all those
countless users I have helped it is otherwise. I enjoy playing the
SE game with some here as I did there and I think I truly have them
believing me to be some dumb old hillbilly living in a trailer and
though they are half right (old and hillbilly well old if you count
50 as being old) they are not 100% right, lol

Don't forget you told us you moved to another house <cough> trailer,
and transplanted two of the old rooms to the new house <cough>
trailer so when we're watching your webcam we'd all think you're
still in the *old* house <cough> trailer. ROFLMAO!

Sooooooooooooge, you're a real character!

Version: PGP 8.0.2
Comment: Because I *can* be.


Laura Fredericks
PGP key ID - DH/DSS 2048/1024: 0xC753039A

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Hash: SHA1

btw, I did find one greet and so far the only one in any of MBlast
and that is to someone called "SAN". I guess of course that however
could conceivably be to 3 persons S,A, and N?

YOU found? ROFLMAO! That text string is listed on all the av vendors'
sites! ("What a maroon!" -Bugs Bunny)

Are you still claiming to have written that Dr. Seuss parody? Hahaha!
Fwiw, the version titled, "If Dr. Seuss Were A Technical Writer" was
STOLEN and EDITED from the original! (Rip-off artist a
friend of yours, Sooooooge? Or perhaps you *really are* the
"Anonymous" credited for the rip?)

A Grandchild's Guide to Using Grandpa's Computer
(c) 1994 Gene Ziegler

Hang the Information Highwayman
(c) 1995 Gene Ziegler
Oh and Laura remember when you thought I was watching TV? something
you forgot to take into consideration and after giving you enough
time to figure it out , I thought I may as well tell you because it
looks like you're not going to figure it out. There is such a thing
as a TVI or TV out card. Let me know next time you are looking in
at my cam and I will put my desktop up on the TV just so as you can
hit yourself on the head and say "Dah". rofl.

Every time I checked your webcam, cartoons were always on TV. (Must
admit, haven't checked in a while, though. Got bored of ALWAYS seeing
the same thing. At least when you were laughing, waving and holding
up signs I was *somewhat* amused.)
You see my children love for me to take the TV capture card on one
pc and send it to another and create a DVD with several seasons of
their favorites on them, and my son even though he has graduated HS
still loves some cartoon called "DragonBallZ", personally I like the
"Roadrunner" because I think of the peeps on Usenet as Wile E.
Coyote and myself as the Road Runner, tee he he.

Ya see? Cartoons. ;-)

Version: PGP 8.0.2
Comment: Because I *can* be.


Laura Fredericks
PGP key ID - DH/DSS 2048/1024: 0xC753039A

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Laura Fredericks said:
Hash: SHA1

Don't forget you told us you moved to another house <cough> trailer,
and transplanted two of the old rooms to the new house <cough>
trailer so when we're watching your webcam we'd all think you're
still in the *old* house <cough> trailer. ROFLMAO!

You sure don't know when someone is putting you on do you, lol; but if I
ever do hit the lottery right after I make life better for a bunch of
people that are even poorer then I am, I may just do that;)
Sooooooooooooge, you're a real character!

What I pretend to be and what I am are quite different. I enjoy
laughing at people when they think I am one thing and my knowing they are
mistaken. I also enjoy it when company comes to visit and they ask me if I
have done any new SE'ing since their last visit or as some ask "How goes
your other life". Of course some of them follow along on their pc's and
lurk but never post; because no mater how many times I tell them it is
perfectly safe to lurk some still think they will get infected with a virus
from reading NG's like this.

Version: PGP 8.0.2
Comment: Because I *can* be.


Laura Fredericks
PGP key ID - DH/DSS 2048/1024: 0xC753039A

Remove CLOTHES to reply.

I am however starting to get quite board with just about everything
computer related. I guess the closer I get to that magical age of 50 (this
coming Sunday) the less important this whole virtual world seems to become.
I am about ready to chuck the entire online NG thing and relegate my pc's to
being glorified typewriters and have done with it. I will of course still
help friends and relatives with their computing problems and stay up to date
on the current affairs of the computing world; but I may even forgo that and
just use my pc to do so long put off writing. Before you ask *NO* I don't
plan to write a book or offer it for sale; rather any writing I do, most
likely will only be seen by myself and maybe my wife and children until
after I learn what the last great mystery is all about and hopefully that
won't be for at least another 50 years<s>
Laura Fredericks said:
Hash: SHA1

YOU found? ROFLMAO! That text string is listed on all the av vendors'
sites! ("What a maroon!" -Bugs Bunny)

found is found regardless of where I found it:oP but I *found* it using
frhed hex editor after my having put a copy on a floppy before removing from
and fixing a friends WinXPlode system. I needed a copy before I could find
the greets; but shortly after I *found* it using a hex editor I also saw it
on a few web sites; but I could care less what you believe; because you will
believe what you believe no mater what
Are you still claiming to have written that Dr. Seuss parody? Hahaha!

I never ever claimed no such thing, and if you are trying to say other wise
then where is the proof?
Fwiw, the version titled, "If Dr. Seuss Were A Technical Writer" was
STOLEN and EDITED from the original! (Rip-off artist a
friend of yours, Sooooooge? Or perhaps you *really are* the
"Anonymous" credited for the rip?)

You sure like to prorogate a fallacy don't you? You know as well as I
that I have never ripped off anything; because you still can't wrap your 2
celled brain around the fact that a person can not rip off that which is
given away for free, don't assume that everyone else on Usenet believes it
for an instant. Around here you and others that claim you can steal
something that is given away are the butt of many a joke, such as when
people tell me, "Hey I am giving away free kittens, maybe one of your news
group friends would like to *steal one*? They can steal as may as they like
and I won't say a word, honest!"

A Grandchild's Guide to Using Grandpa's Computer
(c) 1994 Gene Ziegler

Hang the Information Highwayman
(c) 1995 Gene Ziegler

Every time I checked your webcam, cartoons were always on TV. (Must
admit, haven't checked in a while, though. Got bored of ALWAYS seeing
the same thing. At least when you were laughing, waving and holding
up signs I was *somewhat* amused.)

Ya see? Cartoons. ;-)

Cartoons being on a screen which is used to monitor the progress of a copy
to DVD project and watching cartoons for entertainment are two different
things. But of course you know that but are just trying in your own lame
sort of way to be cute; but let me clue you in, the south end of a north
bound ugly mule has a better chance of being cute then what you have.
Laura Fredericks said:
Hash: SHA1

Just like putting your name on someone else's code (NetStat) and
claiming that since the original code wasn't compiled and was "given
away for free" and you're now offering it compiled (DinoStat) so it's
okay and not a rip are two different things.

Ohhh! I get it now! :-/

No I don't think you do; because the site the code was on said I could do
exactly that and seeing as how it gave the code away and said I could do
exactly what I did where is the rip? I also could have taken the original
authors name completely out of the source code had I wanted to; but I left
it in the source code so that anyone that wished to could see the original
authors name and yes he did NOT offer it to the general public as a compiled
program and besides ALL THAT he wasn't even the original author if you look
on my web page where I offer it, I also give a link to where I got the
source from and on that page the author I got it from is called into
question where he got it from.
You have to realize that in the beginning ALL source code was freeware
and given away having to PAY and copyrighting software is all due to Seattle
Slick Willie (Bill Gates) because he was the first to start hollering "code
ripper" because everyone else thought it a compliment when someone chose to
use part of your source in there source. So I guess you are in good company
in that both you and slick Willie holler code ripper where there is none.
After all Slick Willie stole windows from apple who got it from a design
team from Xerox whom the Xerox leaders thought no one would ever want to use
a thing called a mouse so they *gave* the GUI to apple and Wild Bill stole
it. I however have only ever used source that was freely given away. So
there nanna nanna po po
Laura Fredericks said:
Hash: SHA1

Just like putting your name on someone else's code (NetStat) and
claiming that since the original code wasn't compiled and was "given
away for free" and you're now offering it compiled (DinoStat) so it's
okay and not a rip are two different things.

Ohhh! I get it now! :-/

No I don't think you do; because the site the code was on said I could do
exactly that and seeing as how it gave the code away and said I could do
exactly what I did where is the rip? I also could have taken the original
authors name completely out of the source code had I wanted to; but I left
it in the source code so that anyone that wished to could see the original
authors name and yes he did NOT offer it to the general public as a compiled
program and besides ALL THAT he wasn't even the original author if you look
on my web page where I offer it, I also give a link to where I got the
source from and on that page the author I got it from is called into
question where he got it from.
You have to realize that in the beginning ALL source code was freeware
and given away having to PAY and copyrighting software is all due to Seattle
Slick Willie (Bill Gates) because he was the first to start hollering "code
ripper" because everyone else thought it a compliment when someone chose to
use part of your source in there source. So I guess you are in good company
in that both you and slick Willie holler code ripper where there is none.
After all Slick Willie stole windows from apple who got it from a design
team from Xerox whom the Xerox leaders thought no one would ever want to use
a thing called a mouse so they *gave* the GUI to apple and Wild Bill stole
it. I however have only ever used source that was freely given away. So
there nanna nanna po po

btw, quit cross posting or are you just trying to get me to post to ACV?
Hash: SHA1

I am however starting to get quite board with just about everything
computer related. I guess the closer I get to that magical age of
50 (this coming Sunday) the less important this whole virtual world
seems to become. I am about ready to chuck the entire online NG
thing and relegate my pc's to being glorified typewriters...

You mean you still haven't sent them to Nick, yet?
...I may ... just use my pc to do so long put off writing. Before
you ask *NO* I don't plan to write a book or offer it for sale...

Damn! You know all of us, here were waiting for a companion book to
Tracker's. <sob>

Version: PGP 8.0.2
Comment: Because I *can* be.


Laura Fredericks
PGP key ID - DH/DSS 2048/1024: 0xC753039A

Remove CLOTHES to reply.
Hash: SHA1

...quit cross posting or are you just trying to get me to post to


Version: PGP 8.0.2
Comment: Because I *can* be.


Laura Fredericks
PGP key ID - DH/DSS 2048/1024: 0xC753039A

Remove CLOTHES to reply.
Laura Fredericks said:
Hash: SHA1


Oh no, that's not the link to the "coffee swirling in my mug" and
"ode to a donut" poems, again, is it?

(Sigh... It is. Well, at least you put a new one, up, too.)

Every now and then I write a new one; but the hundreds that I have written
in the past will stay in my possession. I went over my poems and selected
less then one percent of what I have and put them up on line. I did however
try and put up at least one from each of the different types of poems. IOW,
I have poems that are in different folders that more or less talk about the
same subjects or to be more exact are my feelings on various things and I
group them that way and within each folder they are further separated by
whether they are happy, sad, incitefull ect ect ect. You might even be
surprised at how many I have; because I probably have more then enough for
several books of poetry; but I have never wanted to do that. I also have
enough songs I have written to make several albums; but just don't wish to
try it. To be honest I have never wanted to be famous I could take being
rich; because I could do a lot of good with a lot of money; but I have no
desire to be both rich and famous and if it takes being famous to become
rich you can keep the money and I will continue pillar to post as it is said
or belie to backbone rather then be famous; being famous has never been
something I have coveted and now that I think of it I don't covet much of
anything; because as long as I have a place to live, food to eat and
something to wear and I am surrounded by those I love and who love me it is
enough and I am happy; because having things never was what it took to make
me happy; because I enjoy a genuine smile because someone wishes to do so
then all the fake ones in the world because they think you have enough money
that they might get some of it from you. When you have very little money
you can be assured that when someone gives you a compliment or tells you
they like you that it is genuine; because they sure are not doing it with
the alterative motive that you may be able to do something for them.