MSAS latest definition on MsgPlus spyware

  • Thread starter Thread starter james
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i read a article on a website that the latest MSAS
definition fix some issue with MsgPlus being flagged as a
spyware since it comes bundled with a spyware. don't know
wether this is true or false.

what actually change? is MsgPlus still considered as a
spyware meaning we still see a pop-alert. was the changed
downgraded to just low? any explanation would be nice.
The best way to find this out would be to actually test. This isn't an
application that I use, and I've spent more time testing it and answering
questions about its detection than I think is worth it--if you're concerned
about it, I recommend downloading it, and seeing how the detection appears.
What does and
have to do with messenger plus? is talking
about and identifying what msmsgs.exe is.
is about the trojan Backdoor.Simali which messenger plus is not. Both
sites has nothing to do with messenger plus and suggesting that
messenger plus is a trojan is totally wrong. I suggest you actually read
what the sites say.