MSAS Hijacked URL vs HOSTS file

  • Thread starter Just Another Enduser!
  • Start date

Just Another Enduser!

After running MSAS it seems to have the same problem as
Spybot S&D and AdAware in that it doesn't know about HOSTS
files redirecting unwanted sites to either or .

It treats them like they are being hijacked.

Otherwise it seems to be working properly.


Andre Da Costa

1. Run your anti-spyware in Safe Mode.
2. Quit going to those sites and downloading the junk.
3. If you don't have WinXP SP2, get LSP-Fix - a free program to repair
damaged Winsock 2 stacks.
save it because you might need to repair the Winsock 2 stacks after removing
the culprit. For WinXP SP2 this command will restore the Winsock stacks if
you can't connect after clearing the malware.

Go to Start | Run and type "CMD" with out quotes
In the command window type "netsh winsock reset" with out quotes
Then get CWShredder

About the HOST File - Explained -

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