MSAS disconnects Xbox from Xbox Live at 2am

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brent M.
  • Start date Start date

Brent M.

For three nights in a row at 2:00am (when I have MSAS set
to run an automated scan) I have been kicked out of Xbox
Live (while playing Halo 2) to the network troubleshooter.
When I run the troubleshooter it states the DNS server is
unreachable but after I cycle the Xbox power off then on
everything starts working fine.

Why is a simple spyware program that is looking for
malicious software kicking my Xbox off the network?
It's an easy guess that you had some spyware infection associated with your winsock, and like other manifestations of the removal,
it killed the connection before removing the spyware.
Not that playing Xbox at 2am has any relevance to the

To those people who think the world shuts down at 5:00pm
and go home to relax with your family...There are people
who work from 5:00pm to the wee hours of the morning who
are the ones that REALLY keep the world turning. I get
home at 12:30am and like you do at 6:30pm, I do some
chores then sit down to relax, but since there are no
good "prime time" shows on TV or family (since they are
sleeping) I have to resort to watching TIVO or playing
Xbox at 2:00am.

Please stop trolling the Newsgroups hiding behind a false
identity (Concerned Citizen) looking to make snide remarks
to legitimate posts from people who are only trying to
make things better for the rest of the world.

I understand that your comment was probably mean't as a
sarcastic remark but I am so tired of people who are not
trying to help just adding their 2 cents of nonsense.
Isn't that one of the Halo 2 taglines: "For the people that
REALLY keep the world turning."

Why am I thinking of the scene from (I think) the Simpsons
where demons in h*ll are tormenting and forcing tortured
souls to pedal stationary bicycles that are attached to a
pole that turns cakes in a diner dessert display?
How about changing the scheduled scan to some other time,
say, 2:15, and make sure you are playing at both 2 and the
new scan time? This will help identify if the scan is the
issue or not.
Do you have a router or do you just have 2 network cards in your
computer using ICS.

Regarding your cushy fixed work schedule, I've been there and done that.
don't be so touchy! Try rotating shifts some time...

and thanks for keeping the world turning!

PS TiVo and Xbox rock. Got both of them.
You're getting a lot of flak, but you also aren't giving us more information
to work with. Both AMDGUY and myself have asked for more details.

In addition, I think I'll make another suggestion: Some performance issues
with Microsoft Antispyware seem to go away with another install or an
update, via control panel, add or remove programs, microsoft antispyware,
change, update. I'd recommend trying that as a possible route towards
getting this fixed.

I also like the idea of changing the time of the scheduled scan as an
additional data point towards being dead certain that's the cause of your
Mysteriously the problem went away the night I posted this
thread...Hmmm! Anyway, thank you all for all your