What does "it is owned by AskJeeves" (now Ask.com) have to do with anything?
SmileyCentral is part of FunWebProducts - a bundle of badware which includes
Zwinky, CursorMania, SmileyCentral and a dozen or so "applications" which all
ride on MyWebSearch which not only funnels searches to Ask.com - but hijacks
the users search engine and depending on the version, the user's start page.
FunWebProducts injects advertisements into the search results and craftily
disguises them to look like search results. These injected ads appear BEFORE
the real search results. It does not matter whether the user searches with
MyWebSearch or Google, or Windows Live Search, or Yahoo, etc., advertisements
are injected.
Depending on the version of FunWebProducts installed, the SmileyCentral
interface displays ads in the interface - making it adware.
Further - if the user uninstalls MyWebSearch, none of the other programs in
the bundle will function. Removing SmileyCentral, CursorMania, Zwinky, or any
of the dozen or so other programs installed with this bundle does not remove
FunWebProducts tracks user's Web surfing habits and displays "targeted
advertising" to the user - again regardless of the search engine he or she
chooses to use. FunWebProducts collects and tags the user's IP address and
assigns the user a unique identifier. FunWebProducts claims that it does not
collect any "personal" information - however, recently a high court in New
Jersey has ruled that a person's IP address is personal information and that
a person using the Internet has a reasonable expectation of privacy.
By installing FunWebProducts the user agrees to allow FunWebProducts to
provide "updates" the product which many times are more programs which have
been added to the bundle.
Most, if not all programs in the FunWebProducts bundle, run at Windows start
up causing an unnecessary drain on system resources. Unless a user is
knowledgeable enough to run MS CONFIG or some other program to control
startup programs, FunWebProducts and the bundle of programs it installs will
continue to run in the background unnecessarily using resources.
At best, FunWebProducts is deceptive bundle of unnecessary software
installed by goading users with the words "Free" "No Adware" "No Spyware" and
talking Smileys - whose sole purpose is to funnel searches to a 4th-rate
search engine (Ask.com). This indicates that Ask.com cannot gain a
competitive edge by providing first-rate searches, but most lower itself to
bribing potential users with baubles, talking smileys, toolbars and other
badware/adware and some say "spyware" in a deceptive attempt to funnel
searches its way.
The trouble with forums like these is someone like Andy writes with an air
of authority, but it's quite clear that Andy doesn't have a clue what he's
talking about.