I'm sorry too.
I didn't mean to call you an idiot. What I meant was
that many people just don't have a clue as to what a beta
truely is. The way these people come off is they sound
like idiots because they thnk they know everything and
they don't know jack when it comes to computer
programming and the testing process of these
applications. A beta is a work-in-progress and it's
bound to have problems, such as those experienced by
people testing Netscape, and many other products.
After reading Andy's reply, I do remember that many
people have been having problems submitting reports to
MS. In this case, I'd suggest to uninstall the
application through Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove
Programs, delete the entire MSAS folder from c:\program
files, reboot the system, reinstall the app, and reboot
once again. Doing this has helped many of us fix issues
that have cropped up in the past.
Rest assured MS is working on a much better app for the
future. There's been talk they might even be changing
the source code from Visual BASIC to a more robust
programming language such as C++, likely .NET, or even
C# .NET. If that's the case, then the entire app is
likely going to be far better than it currently is. We
might even see the removal of the AutoUpdater, which
could be replaced by WindowsUpdate.