Word MS Word 2007 Postcards

Oct 10, 2012
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I want to make postcards with MS Word. Found a template I like and now I'm ready to start my Mail Merge to bring in my names and addresses. I want these to be like actual postcards (Picture on the front, message/address on the back) but I can't figure out how to edit the backside. So, can I edit the backside of the page separately from the front and how do I do so?
I don't know if I understand your delima. most of the templates I have seen are set up with 4 on a page and you print that page and if you want something on the back, you turn the pages you just printed over and print the next set of information on the back. As for editing, you should be able to simply highlight and delete/replace the information you want in the text fields, or, delete and replace pics and such. If this doesn't help, maybe you can post the template (if that is possible on this forum). Hope this helps...
