MS word 2003 shortcut



When I installed Visual Studio 2005 Express edition in my XP machine [Windows
2003 Server in my work site], the MS Word and MS Excell shortcuts dissappered
from "Start>All Program>Microsoft Office". But the rest of the shortcuts such
as Powerpoint, oulook all are there, only Word and excel shortcuts
dissapered. Why?

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Not sure why, but it's easy enough to fix. Use Windows Explorer or My
Computer to browse to the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11"
folder (or wherever you installed Office 2003 to). Left-click on
"winword.exe", press Ctrl+C to copy, browse to the "C:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office" folder,
right-click on a blank area in the file list display pane, and
left-click on "Paste shortcut". Repeat for "excel.exe".

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