Mattias Quadt
I'm a developer and i have a premission problem with
I have made a client program that are listning to a
specified TCP port. To do this am using mswinsck.ocx.
On a normal clinet with normal user rights every thing
works, but when i'm trying to run the program on computer
were the user account is wery limited the program will
not work with msqinsck.ocx.
The user can only use the iexplorer. The account is
locked down very tight from the server.
I have granted premission on the mswinsck.ocx but that
will not work.
So i tried to grant premission to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
in the registry and that worked. But then the securety is
not god enough.
Can some one tell me what i have to do, to get the
mswinsck to work on a user account that is locked down
tight from the server.
I do not know what settings are on the user acccounts.
I'm a developer and i have a premission problem with
I have made a client program that are listning to a
specified TCP port. To do this am using mswinsck.ocx.
On a normal clinet with normal user rights every thing
works, but when i'm trying to run the program on computer
were the user account is wery limited the program will
not work with msqinsck.ocx.
The user can only use the iexplorer. The account is
locked down very tight from the server.
I have granted premission on the mswinsck.ocx but that
will not work.
So i tried to grant premission to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
in the registry and that worked. But then the securety is
not god enough.
Can some one tell me what i have to do, to get the
mswinsck to work on a user account that is locked down
tight from the server.
I do not know what settings are on the user acccounts.