Information about most KB searches are usually vague, if
you really want to understand a security patches actual
issue, get a shovel! After following several links, you
may find out. For example, I recently (i'm assuming that
there have been thousands of you tried same search) queried
KB [s/b dumb db] for the XP Pro Sp2 release date. Not to
get it yet, but to schedule myself time to review the
service packs fixes, paying attention to the compabitibilty
issues primarily. We're using legacy apps., intranet
clients w/ internet access are few enough to enable auto
updates, for our db on server. Short story long, I never
was able to find this info on
Microsoft.com/windows/xp/pro/sp2--Tree or within links
where any logical person would have posted this info. OR,
is that the problem itself, LOGIC?? I danderously 'assume'
that the shady game is a result of a lack in confidence on
behlf of MS. As you likely know, this XPsp2 release was
constantly pushed back. Again, lacking confidence seems
aparent. My opinion of the XPsp2 fixes, "this should be
called XP Pro sp0 (initial release of OS)!
you really want to understand a security patches actual
issue, get a shovel! After following several links, you
may find out. For example, I recently (i'm assuming that
there have been thousands of you tried same search) queried
KB [s/b dumb db] for the XP Pro Sp2 release date. Not to
get it yet, but to schedule myself time to review the
service packs fixes, paying attention to the compabitibilty
issues primarily. We're using legacy apps., intranet
clients w/ internet access are few enough to enable auto
updates, for our db on server. Short story long, I never
was able to find this info on
Microsoft.com/windows/xp/pro/sp2--Tree or within links
where any logical person would have posted this info. OR,
is that the problem itself, LOGIC?? I danderously 'assume'
that the shady game is a result of a lack in confidence on
behlf of MS. As you likely know, this XPsp2 release was
constantly pushed back. Again, lacking confidence seems
aparent. My opinion of the XPsp2 fixes, "this should be
called XP Pro sp0 (initial release of OS)!