Hi, it used to be really easy going to the web site and read/post questions
and answers.
I personally use OExpress to do my posting & reading. However, when I visit
my sister or go to the library and have to use another pc other than my own,
its been really confusing the way they changed their web site to read/post
stuff. I beleive one needs a net passport or one has to log in by
registrating. Well, I tried doing that from my own pc so that I can use the
passport when at another pc. I posted a question there and it did not show
up in my OE. ALso, I did not register with my real email address.I munged
it. Should I have used the real one??Does anyone know any tips about this.
thanks for your help.
and answers.
I personally use OExpress to do my posting & reading. However, when I visit
my sister or go to the library and have to use another pc other than my own,
its been really confusing the way they changed their web site to read/post
stuff. I beleive one needs a net passport or one has to log in by
registrating. Well, I tried doing that from my own pc so that I can use the
passport when at another pc. I posted a question there and it did not show
up in my OE. ALso, I did not register with my real email address.I munged
it. Should I have used the real one??Does anyone know any tips about this.
thanks for your help.