Title: Microsoft Security Bulletin Re-Release
Issued: October 10, 2007
The following bulletin has undergone a major revision increment.
Please see the bulletin for more detail.
* MS07-056 - Critical
Bulletin Information:
* MS07-056 - Critical
- http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-056.mspx
- Reason for Revision: Revised to include Windows XP Professional
x64 Edition in the Affected Software section; Known Issues
set to none; Corrected missing file information to the
bulletin text for Outlook Express 6.0 Service Pack 1 on
Windows 2000 Service pack 4 and Outlook Express 5.5 Service
Pack 2 on Windows 2000 Service pack 4.
- Originally posted: October 9, 2007
- Updated: October 10, 2007
- Bulletin Severity Rating: Critical
- Version: 2.0
Issued: October 10, 2007
The following bulletin has undergone a major revision increment.
Please see the bulletin for more detail.
* MS07-056 - Critical
Bulletin Information:
* MS07-056 - Critical
- http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms07-056.mspx
- Reason for Revision: Revised to include Windows XP Professional
x64 Edition in the Affected Software section; Known Issues
set to none; Corrected missing file information to the
bulletin text for Outlook Express 6.0 Service Pack 1 on
Windows 2000 Service pack 4 and Outlook Express 5.5 Service
Pack 2 on Windows 2000 Service pack 4.
- Originally posted: October 9, 2007
- Updated: October 10, 2007
- Bulletin Severity Rating: Critical
- Version: 2.0