MS Project file extension changes when downloading



I have a Microsoft Project template that I'm testing. When
I download it from our Intranet using Internet Explorer,
it changes the file extension from .mpt (for template)
to .mpp (for document). Strangely, when I save it from
Netscape, it maintains the .mpt extension.

I've searched through the problem database, but I don't
see anything about Project extensions being changed.

Thanks in advance for your help.

H Leboeuf

Make sure that your file type association is correct.

You set this for each file type, e.g. for .zip
Explorer-View-Folder Options-File Types
Find the .zip association (may be WinZip File)
Edit, (or click Advanced on ME or XP) and check the "Confirm open
after download" box

The path to Folder Options may vary according to your operating
system. It may be:
Explorer-View-Folder Options
Explorer-Tools-Folder Options
Start-Settings-Folder Options
Start-Settings-Control Panel-Folder options.

Source: Alan Edwards, MS MVP W95/98 Systems

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