MS Plus XP


Jackie Lamorie

Hi I am sorry to post to this group but tried the plus group and it is
not very active so never received any help.

I am running Xp home with plus xp on a new harddrive. On old drive I
knew where the themes were. they were under msplus themes. now with
new install on new drive I can not figure how to install any new ones.
All new ones want to go to windows/resources/themes. with the
wallpaper going somewhere else and the sounds somewhere else. any
ideas how to make this easier. still can't figure where the icons are
suppose to go. to put these in all these places you have to do
manually. there must be an easier way. hoping someone can help. thanks
for any and all help.


Andrew Bailey

Hi Jackie,

You're right about the location of themes (windows/resources/themes) and
generally if the author has included sounds etc they will point the .theme
file to their location.

Things like, wallpaper, icons and sounds can go anywhere you like because
you just browse to them when you are selecting them from their parent
control panel but as a general rule of thumb...

wallpaper C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR USER NAME\My Documents\My Pictures
cursors C:\WINDOWS\Cursors
sounds C:\WINDOWS\Media

and once you have "Collectively" saved them all from the Display
Properties>Themes pane the .theme file goes...

themes C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR USER NAME\My Documents

Hope that helps


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