MS Paint

  • Thread starter Thread starter artysan
  • Start date Start date


When I draw a shape on the white screen in paint and use the "Fill with color
"tool it works as it should, IE The shape is filled .
When I select an aircraft part to be filled with color ,even though outlined
,when I use the Fill with Color tool ,all I get is blobs and spots The
other tools work perfectly .Can anyone give a reason or have experience to
make it work

Other paint type program have a tolerance for the fill tool. If the
setting is low only the near colors will be changed to the fill color.
If the toleraance is higher it'll color over a wider selection of
colors. If the tolerance is zero the fill will only color the exact
color you're clicking on. Early Paint Shop Pro has a tolerance up to 128.

You might not be able to even see the differnce in the fill area colors,
but the tolerance settings will.


Jim Self

AVIATION ANIMATION, the internet's largest depository.

Your only internet source for spiral staircase plans.

Experimental Aircraft Association #140897
EAA Technical Counselor #4562
Of historical note on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 14:00:04 -0700
artysan <[email protected]> scribed:

|So where in MS Paint is this tolerance thingy your talking about,Thanks

I don't believe there is a tolerance setting in MS Paint.

You may want to try out Irfanview

It's an excellent graphics program with many more capabilities, plus it free!

cf <[email protected]>
I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid.
Terry Bradshaw

|"PA20Pilot" wrote:
|> Hi,
|> Other paint type program have a tolerance for the fill tool. If the
|> setting is low only the near colors will be changed to the fill color.
|> If the toleraance is higher it'll color over a wider selection of
|> colors. If the tolerance is zero the fill will only color the exact
|> color you're clicking on. Early Paint Shop Pro has a tolerance up to 128.
|> You might not be able to even see the differnce in the fill area colors,
|> but the tolerance settings will.
|> ---==X={}=X==---
|> Jim Self
|> AVIATION ANIMATION, the internet's largest depository.
|> Your only internet source for spiral staircase plans.
|> Experimental Aircraft Association #140897
|> EAA Technical Counselor #4562
Of historical note on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 18:06:03 -0700
artysan <[email protected]> scribed:

|It would appear then, that no-one has a solution to my problem.

It's not so much of a problem but a limitation of MS Paint. I went through its help and could not locate any reference to a tolerance setting when filling an area. Therefore, I presume that its tolerance is 0 (zero), it will only fill the exact color.

As PA20Pilot explained, the color you're trying to fill may actually be many different colors which you can't really distinguish the diffenence between.

Therefore, the solution would be to use a better graphics program.

cf <[email protected]>
I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid.
Terry Bradshaw

|"cf" wrote:
|> Of historical note on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 14:00:04 -0700
|> artysan <[email protected]> scribed:
|> |So where in MS Paint is this tolerance thingy your talking about,Thanks
|> |--
|> |artysan
|> |
|> I don't believe there is a tolerance setting in MS Paint.
|> You may want to try out Irfanview
|> <>
|> It's an excellent graphics program with many more capabilities, plus it free!
|> hth
|> --
|> cf <[email protected]>
|> I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid.
|> Terry Bradshaw
|> |
|> |"PA20Pilot" wrote:
|> |
|> |> Hi,
|> |>
|> |> Other paint type program have a tolerance for the fill tool. If the
|> |> setting is low only the near colors will be changed to the fill color.
|> |> If the toleraance is higher it'll color over a wider selection of
|> |> colors. If the tolerance is zero the fill will only color the exact
|> |> color you're clicking on. Early Paint Shop Pro has a tolerance up to 128.
|> |>
|> |> You might not be able to even see the differnce in the fill area colors,
|> |> but the tolerance settings will.
|> |>
|> |>
|> |>
|> |> ---==X={}=X==---
|> |>
|> |> Jim Self
|> |>
|> |> AVIATION ANIMATION, the internet's largest depository.
|> |>
|> |>
|> |> Your only internet source for spiral staircase plans.
|> |>
|> |>
|> |> Experimental Aircraft Association #140897
|> |> EAA Technical Counselor #4562
|> |>
Hi again,

M$ Paint is going to fall behind your talents soon enough that it'll
probably be best just to move on from there. I still use Paint Shop Pro
Ver 3 which is probably most of 10 years old. You can download a copy
from my site here.

It's about as basic as can be, but does pretty much does everything
you'll need to do too.


Jim Self

AVIATION ANIMATION, the internet's largest depository.

Your only internet source for spiral staircase plans.

Experimental Aircraft Association #140897
EAA Technical Counselor #4562