MS Outlook Address Book

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I have been using Outlook Express and in the process of using MS Outlook so I
can be more flexible.
I send a lot of emai to various groups and I like to put one name in the TO
line and all other names in the bcc line so I can respect the privacy of
other peoples email addresses. I read where Distribution List shows all
names and email addresses in the TO line.
The ideal way would be be pull up the Contacts List by Category and then
send to people in the category that I choose and if it is mailed as TO or
bcc. This way if I make a change to Contacts I do not have to go to a
another list in the address book and make changes.
I use a PDA and sync between a Desktop computer and a Laptop and I may send
email on any of the three so I only want to make make one change and it
affect all three.
Any suggestions?
George Lawshe said:
I have been using Outlook Express and in the process of using MS
Outlook so I can be more flexible.
I send a lot of emai to various groups and I like to put one name in
the TO line and all other names in the bcc line so I can respect the
privacy of other peoples email addresses.

Put your own address in the To field, and the DL in the Bcc field.
I read where Distribution
List shows all names and email addresses in the TO line.

All addresses will show if you use To or Cc. That's true for all mail
clients, not just Outlook.
The ideal way would be be pull up the Contacts List by Category and
then send to people in the category that I choose and if it is mailed
as TO or bcc. This way if I make a change to Contacts I do not have
to go to a another list in the address book and make changes.

No mail client I know can specify which field will receive a member of a
Distribution List. DLs are single entities until expanded by the mail
transport mechanism. All members appear in the field containing the DL.
George Lawshe said:
Appreciate your help. I have the TO and bcc figured out.
The problem with the Distribution List is that it does not change
when the main Contacts List is changed.

Of course not, because the DL is self-contained and doesn't really point
back to the original Contact. The DL contains a copy of the data in the
contact record. The "Update Now" button on the DL form is supposed to take
care of it, but it doesn't seem to work reliably. Try it, though.
Can I pull up a specify category when I open the address
book/Contacts and use it as a DL or do I have to use the entire
Contacts List?

Many people find categories better than DLs. Assign the same category to
the people you want to include, display your Contacts in By Catgory view,
select the category, then click Actions>New Message to Contact. This will
place everyone in that category in the To field and you can right-click,
choose Select All, then drag the selection to the Bcc field. Each contact
can be in multiple categories, so the lists can overlap. You can change
categories any time.