My machine has an Oracle 9i client that uses OS authentication to log in, so we use a / for the user name and a blank password. I am having trouble logging into the database with the following connection string
this.MSConnection.ConnectionString = "user id=/;data source=devd;password="
I get an ORA-01005: null password error. This connection string works fine with Oracle's ODP.NET driver. I have tried removing the password parameter, and still no luck. Any suggestions?
My machine has an Oracle 9i client that uses OS authentication to log in, so we use a / for the user name and a blank password. I am having trouble logging into the database with the following connection string
this.MSConnection.ConnectionString = "user id=/;data source=devd;password="
I get an ORA-01005: null password error. This connection string works fine with Oracle's ODP.NET driver. I have tried removing the password parameter, and still no luck. Any suggestions?