MS Office / IE7 x64 on a multiboot setup: Installation and/or sharing settings on a common partition

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Hello, everyone!

In Windows-only multiboot setups, applications can usually be installed
successfully on common partitions -- by installing them once in one OS, and
then installing (and overwriting) in another OS. This installs the app in
both registries, but both OSes are relying on a single copy of the

Has anyone seen threads or had experience with this sort of a setup where MS
Office (Ultimate) and/or IE7 are involved? Are there any conflicts or fixes
I will need to address?

Also, if that is known to pose serious problems, what is the best way of
syncing settings, mail archives, favorites, etc. across the two OS

Finally, does MS Office install different files in x86 and x64 OSes? I ask
this before doing any kind of experimentation with integrating an x86
partition into this common-partition setup of MS Office.

Please ask your Office questions in an Office newsgroup.

Those with IE7-specific questions or comments are asked to post to and seek
support in this newsgroup: microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general

Using WinXP's FAST Wizard, by MVP Gary Woodruff
(Please read the caveats about Outlook Express)